Mærsk Drilling Domicile

  • Client

    Sjælsø Gruppen A/S, PFA Ejendomme

  • Collaborators

    1:1 landskab, Midtconsult

  • Location

    Lyngby Hovedgade 85, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby

  • Area

    12,000 m2

  • Status

    Completed in 2015

Mærsk Drilling Domicile

With its serene weight, the iron-shaped head office of Maersk Drilling fits discreetly into the southern end of Lyngby Hovedgade. It stands like a gateway to Lyngby in interaction with the other brick buildings in the district. The outside of the building cascades down to the blocks of flats on the neighbouring plot, clasping them in an affectionate grip, and forming distinctive outdoor areas between the buildings.

Building as workplace

The workplaces are located consistently along the façades of the building. Towards the centre, two atrium spaces form connections that are both visual and logistical. The atrium spaces are a bright contrast to the darker exterior of the building. The comb-like structure of the building scales it down and draws in natural light. We never get a sense of just how large the building actually is. The impression is more of refined, scaled-down wings around two atrium spaces. An employee in the building feels a real affinity with and a sense of being at home in the department he or she is working in.  



The bronze anodized aluminium surfaces of the window frames in the brick façade of the building recur as a theme inside the building in the shape of perforated panels on the balcony guards. Together with the smoked oak parquet of the stair treads and the veneered walls of the conference rooms – also in smoked oak – they create a striking contrast to the otherwise bright indoor environments.

The building complies with low energy class 2015.


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