Solstra Capital
Cobe, TETRIS A/S, Rambøll, UiWE
DK-2300 Ørestad
265,000 m2
In process / 2019
Urban Planning
Bellakvarter is a new urban district in Ørestad with an abundance of space for life amongst the buildings.
The district is constructed in blocks made up of small built structures with a height of between three and six floors, featuring a variety of materials and façades. Here and there, the blocks will be topped by bright, multi-storey roof apartments. These ‘cubic towers’ will appear like compressions of a corner or a street.
The ambition is that Bellakvarter will be a vibrant neighbourhood with 5,000 new residents and more than 7,500 jobs. In use from morning to night, it will be a pulsating neighbourhood, where residents, visitors, and commuters to the neighbourhood’s workplaces will intermingle. Bellakvarter will have direct access to the Metro, which connects the area to the rest of Ørestad and Copenhagen.