Esbjerg Municipality & DSB Ejendomme
Tegnestuen Vandkunsten, ViaTrafik, Spanggaard
Jernbanegade 35, DK-6700 Esbjerg
3,000 m2
Completed in 2020
Landscape & Urban spaces
With great respect for Esbjerg's history and DNA, we have designed a railway station square with open programme surfaces that will restore pride in the station area.
At the same time, Esbjerg's qualities and destinations will be even better connected and supported by a strengthened station area, Banegårdspladsen, which will become a new gateway to the city.
The rhythm of granite
The granite paving of Banegårdspladsen is based on the rhythm and lines of the railway station building. The space is stretched out between the facades and runs across Jernbanegade to improve flows and create a greater connection to the station and the new arrival area. The square becomes an urban, yet biodiverse, lush and green urban space that integrates a large amount of bicycle parking discreetly between the trees.