Harbous A/S, PensionDanmark, ATP Ejendomme og By & Havn
STED By og Landskab
Marmorvej 21a, DK-2100 Copenhagen
33,000 m2
Expected construction start in 2026
1st Prize
Where the waves hit the quayside and the Oslo ferry sails past, lies Marmormolen. This was the site of the Freeport's first industrial company, and ships carrying marble, coal and timber docked along the quay. Today, employees cycle past on their way to work and parents take their strollers for a walk.
In recent years, Marmormolen in Copenhagen's Nordhavn has been transformed from a former industrial district into an urban neighborhood on the quayside with homes and offices. However, the outermost tip of the pier is still empty. Only a single building worthy of preservation, the “Lodseriet” from 1942, stands looking out to sea. Now the area's three landowners - PensionDanmark, ATP Ejendomme and By & Havn - have a new project on the drawing board that will transform this last part of Marmormolen, making it part of the city again.
The vision is to turn the area into an attractive destination that is accessible to everyone. Initially, the three landowners will begin work on a new local plan. The proposal for a new local plan must be approved by the City Council, and once the local plan is in place and tenants have been found, construction will start on the 'Lodshaven' project, which consists of a new city park and a commercial building