Shell House

  • Client

    Danish Shell

  • Location

    Kampmannsgade 2, DK-1604 København V

  • Area

    7,565 m2

  • Status

    Completed in 1951 - and transformed in 2023

  • Award

    Building of the Year - Å - Commercial (2023)

Shell House

On the corner of Kampmannsgade and Nyropsgade in Copenhagen is the 'new' Shellhus from 1951. Vilhelm Lauritzen designed it as a replacement for the one that was bombed in 1945 by the Royal Air Force after the Gestapo had seized the building and made it their Danish headquarters. Lauritzen's office building has recessed window and parapet sections which emphasize the ribs of the facade. There is a gas station on the lower floor. Today, the building functions as Denmark's largest office community and Vilhelm Lauritzen Arkitekter has been responsible for the restoration and remodeling in 2022.

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