Windgårdhs arkitektkontor, Sydväst arkitektur & landskap
26,000 m2
Expected completion in 2030
1st Prize
Wingårdhs, Vilhelm Lauritzen Architects and Sydväst Architecture and Landscape have won the invited architectural competition for Swedish Västfastigheter for a new community hospital located at Wieselgrensplatsen in Gothenburg. The proposal 'Green connections' reinterprets the classic hospital in the city with a building that becomes an open and green meeting place for the neighbourhood.
The public health service in Gothenburg must be closer to the citizens, and access to care must be so natural that it also becomes preventive. That is the ambition behind the new community hospital on Wieselgrensplatsen. The proposal was designed by Swedish Wingårdhs, Danish Vilhelm Lauritzen Architects, with long experience in hospital construction, and landscape architects Sydväst, who create integrated landscape solutions.
In a place where there is currently a gas station and a McDonalds, the new community hospital will be surrounded by a lush park that will become a natural gathering point for the surrounding area. Green connections will cover a total of 26,000 square meters and contain premises for both primary and specialist care, including functions such as obstetrics, psychiatry, health care and dentistry.