Årslev new town centre

  • Client

    Faaborg-Midtfyn Municipality

  • Collaborators

    Holscher Nordberg Arkitekter, Urban Creators, Fjerring Ingeniører, Birgit Paludan

  • Location

    Årslev, DK-5601

  • Area

    20,000 m2

  • Status

    Completed in 2021

  • Award

    Byplanprisen (2020), Publikumprisen (2020)

  • Competition

    1st Prize

New town center in Årslev

Årslev/Sdr. Nærå is the suburb of the future, where strong communities are the focus. The place is already today a place for strong communities, and they must also be the overarching theme of the city's development. In Årslev/Sdr. In Nærå, there is a very special human resource in the current residents, who have heart, commitment and action in the right place. The energy and enthusiasm in the city is extraordinary. And with the development of the city center and a completely new district, it must be given the best framework and conditions to continue to grow and develop.

The vision is to create an urban village suburb. A place where you live in community, with the countryside and by the city. Here it is not either-or but both-and – here you find an attractive trinity which offers the qualities of the village spirit in the form of close relationships, close neighbors and strong communities, the city's density and vibrant city life and the green natural qualities of the suburbs.

This project is based on the special site-bound qualities that can already be found in Årslev / Sdr. Nærå's city center. Here, the polymer naturally represents an overwhelming potential to become a catalyst for future development.

Based on the Polymer, we draw inspiration from the factory story and use the factory as an abstraction of the future city centre. The project plays with the idea of the city as a factory and the factory as the city, and proposes that the factory motif be staged and reinforced.

The vision is that Årslev / Sdr. Nærå's future town center will be a place where creativity, energy and activity bubble, seethe and bubble, boil and steam. Like a well-oiled factory, it is a place where there is constant movement in both small and large cogs that collectively make it all turn and generate life.

In order to create an attractive and active urban life in the city centre, there is a need to densify by adding more buildings, planting, functions and programming. The primary investment must build on offers in culture, sports, school, commerce and, to the extent that it can be attracted, also businesses. The combination of different functions and programs must ensure a certain activity in the area throughout the day and contribute to creating security in the area in the evening.

© Holscher Nordberg og Vilhelm Lauritzen Arkitekter
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