Nordhavn Sandkaj 1,07 ApS
KPC, Alectia A/S, 1:1 landskab ApS, Henrik Jørgensen Landskab A/S
Sandkaj 15, DK-2150 Nordhavn
8,300 m2
Completed in 2017
Nordhavn is one of the new areas of urban development in Copenhagen that has the most to offer. The contrast between water and land – the basins, the wharf areas, and the renovated harbour buildings – forms a variety of urban and recreational environments, providing a humane setting for this revitalised district. In the Århusgade district, there is a compact, urban atmosphere around the preserved red town, which rubs off on the rest of the area between the Kronløb Basin and the Nordhavn Basin.
On the south-facing promenade along Sandkaj, there is a row of apartment blocks, many of them with cafés and shops at ground level, creating small, outward-oriented meeting places between the buildings and the harbour basin.
One of the buildings is the six-storey Havnekanten. Like the other buildings, Havnekanten forms a varied backdrop, creating a long, south-facing promenade space along the waterfront. The buildings stick to the overall height and façade line, with a few changes in height and in the depths of the materials.