Sorø Municipality og Sorø Art Museum
Storgade 7, DK-4180 Sorø
800 m2
Completed in 2021
Landscape and Urban Spaces
Sorø Culture Scene is a cultural square for play, experience and immersion – a place that stimulates curiosity for all ages. The square relates to two of Sorø's most important cultural institutions, and uses the cultural heritage of the old city of Sorø into a new way of thinking urban design. Historical layers, architectural styles and forms come together in a strong design that connects and unites the rich variations and contrasts found in Sorø. Playful and scenographic elements are placed around the courtyard to invite curious souls of all ages to experiment and experience the world in new playful ways.
Back in 2012, a user survey showed that among Sorø's residents there was a desire for more activities and accommodation in the city centre. Sorø is an older market town with a long characteristic main street with small farm environments. One of these courtyards is located between the two cultural institutions Sorø Art Museum and Sorø Library and local archive, located in the historic building De Unge Herrers Gård from 1625 as well as the adjacent side house. Until recently, the courtyard was a parking lot and was also only used as a passageway as one of the city's main stroke. With 150,000 annual visitors divided between the library and the art museum, it was obvious to change the courtyard's function from a transit and parking area to a lively and inviting urban courtyard.
In the beginning fundraising for the project concerned a playground and was mostly focused on playful elements placed in the courtyard. However as the project developed it became clear that the traditional way of thinking playground was to one dimensional for this historic place, and on behalf of the material created by STED it was decided to look into extra funding to create a unique, playful and multifunctional space that respects cultural heritage and creates awareness and curiosity towards the surrounding world.